Apollo 18 in Ackerstadtpalast Berlin 30.9 and 1.10 20:00!!!

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

endlich es ist wieder so weit und alle die gerne mit mir und Laurent Pellissier auf dem Mond landen möchten, können das gerne am 30.9. und 1.10 in Ackerstadtpalast in Mitte tun. Das Theater ist ziemlich klein, also man soll schnell die eigene Platz in der vegangene Zukunft reservieren!

Hi my dears,

soon is again time for those who want to join me and Laurent Pellissier on our way to the moon, specifically on the 30.9 and 1.10 in ackerstadtpalast in Mitte. The theater is pretty small this time, so you better make sure to revserve your seat ont his trip towards the past future!
Apolllo 18

“This is a dance among the relics of the recent past, among the
nostalgic fragments of the naif beginnings of consumption society,
where progress and development projected on the moon a prosperous
future. Pop dance, solitary yet collective rituals, dreams of aliens
and alienated beings. Time is collapsed in an eternal present and a
never ending party. We literally twist inside out an allegory of our
sense of loss and solitude. We are those who came after and those who
still have to come; we are future and past in a quest for a body, a
voice and ultimately a space to meet without loosing our connection to
our own alien part.”

Devised and performed by
Irene Accardo, Laurent Pellissier
Production: Little strategies for instability

Tanztheater, Performance
Uraufführung, Deutschlandpremiere
Sprache: Deutsch und Italienisch mit Übertitel
Video Link zum Teaser: https://vimeo.com/108137968
Tickets 10 Euro / 7 Euro ermäßigt.
Reservierungen per E-Mail:  karten@ackerstadtpalast.de